Long before bio-identical hormones became a hot topic, there were already doctors using the therapy with great success. It took Suzanne Somers, a celebrity actress and health promoter, however, to bring the topic of bio-identical hormones to the general public. I am fortunate to have learned about this therapy over a decade ago.
What are bio-identical hormones? These are hormones that have the exact molecular structure that our bodies produce. Any structure that deviates from the original endogenous molecule is synthetic and as such is not bio-identical. Therefore, a person who gets a synthetic hormone is not having his or her hormones replaced. What they’re getting is hormonal substitution.
I believe that our hormones are like a symphony orchestra. If one is off, the rest get affected. Even so-called “minor” hormones have a great role to play. That’s why it’s important to balance everything. In my practice, I’ve encountered people who are just taking one hormone thinking that that would resolve their issue.
I believe in the concept of yin and yang in Chinese medicine. For instance, when I treat the thyroid, I look into its sister organ, the adrenals. Their functions are closely linked together. Thus, it’s important to support both organs.
For individuals who may not be candidates for bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), there are alternatives available. Besides the use of herbal medicine, I’ve used acupuncture, supplements and have had success with using homeopathic remedies.
For anyone seeking answers to their health issues, my advice is to listen closely to your body and to always keep an open mind. For some options, please review our services and options below. If you have any questions or would like to book in an appointment, please contact the clinic.
I care about my patients and my job is to coach you to maximum wellness and a healthy lifestyle that includes optimum balancing of hormonal health for both women and men.