Everything you wanted to know about your Gut!
Here is a video I did while I was in Ontario visiting family last summer. Here I talk about stomach issues like heartburn, as well as constipation and diarrhea (yes — it’s a great video).
Here is a video I did while I was in Ontario visiting family last summer. Here I talk about stomach issues like heartburn, as well as constipation and diarrhea (yes — it’s a great video).
Sometimes issues with fertility can be due to ovarian cysts. If you are struggling with fertility issues, hair loss, body hair growth, change in menstrual cycle (your period); you could be dealing with PCOS. This video will give you a … Continue reading
I made this video last year because my passion is really helping individuals struggling with addiction. While I see many other individuals, for mostly hormone, allergy and GI conditions – mental health/addiction is where my heart lies.
This is a video I made a few months ago about how to keep your body in shape. We are all born with a set of genetic codes that dictate (partially) what our body shape is like. This video is … Continue reading
If you are someone struggling to get some sleep nightly; this video has a few tips that you may find useful.
Now that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is being treated with the appropriate level of seriousness, we are learning more about the traits associated with this all too common ailment. While ADHD is typically thought of as being a childhood … Continue reading
Previously known as multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder is one of the more complex psychological conditions that a person can experience. It can be caused by a variety of different, as those who have been through childhood trauma or … Continue reading
Bulimia Nervosa is generally known to be an eating disorder that is characterized by excessive overeating – periods of binging – often succeeded with purging. Although people with bulimia are usually faced with the fear of becoming overweight, however, it … Continue reading