Depression or SAD?
This week has been a really crazy week for me; just not one of my best. I have been feeling low energy, low mood – and I swear, if looks could kill – I would have murdered a handful of … Continue reading
Mental Health
This week has been a really crazy week for me; just not one of my best. I have been feeling low energy, low mood – and I swear, if looks could kill – I would have murdered a handful of … Continue reading
Omega Fatty Acids and Depression Consuming a lot of omega fatty acids can offer a powerful defense against depression. Omega fatty acids can also help improve mood in people who are already suffering from depression. Recently, the effect of omega … Continue reading
Amino acid therapy has been used for many years for various diseases. Now specialists are beginning to offer amino acids therapy as a treatment option for alcoholism and drug addiction, thereby obtaining positive results. Neurotransmitters in the brain consist of … Continue reading
Inositol is a nutrient that naturally occurs and is found in several forms, with myo-inositol being the most frequent. Inositol is seen in phospholipids, which work as cellular mediators in regulation of metabolism, and growth. Inositol is seen in large … Continue reading
I am sure you all know someone who smokes a bit of ‘weed’ from time to time. Or maybe you know someone who uses it for medicinal purposes? Either way, marijuana can become an addiction if it is overused, … Continue reading
In today’s world, stress is a common problem facing many people. There are so many things to worry about such as jobs, children, finances, relationships, etc. And the effects of stress on our health can be very disastrous. Illness such … Continue reading
It is no secret that millions of people in the US have problems with alcohol addiction. Unlike illegal substances, alcohol is everywhere. Just think of your drive home from work. Likely you saw more than a few billboards and signs … Continue reading
Did you know that an approximate 2.1-million people in the United States are suffering currently with substance use issues related to opiates? The numbers are startling and are creating a global epidemic that has few, if any, options for minimizing. … Continue reading