How B Vitamins Can Help With Stress!

In today’s world, stress is a common problem facing many people. There are so many things to worry about such as jobs, children, finances, relationships, etc. And the effects of stress on our health can be very disastrous. Illness such as anxiety, depression, digestive and stomach problems, heart problems, etc. can be caused by stress. The good news, however, is that with B vitamins, accomplishing balance over stress is possible as B vitamins work with the chemistry of the brain and the balance of neurotransmitters. There are several types of B vitamins that have positive effects on stress. They include:
Vitamin B1
Also called thiamine, Vitamin B1 is necessary in maintaining a healthy status for the central nervous system, and plays an important part in helping the mental aptitude to remain healthy. It is a water-based vitamin which helps for the conversion of glucose into energy. Mood can also be better stabilized through B1, and memory and concentration can be improved.
Vitamin B3
With Vitamin B3, the functions of the digestive and nervous system are better supported. Niacin can be produced by the body through the amino acid, L-tryptophan. Mood disturbances, stress, depression, and irritability can be caused by a deficiency in B3. The function of niacin is to aid the body in releasing energy from carbohydrate, and with this, nervous system functions can be maintained and blood sugar can be controlled.
B6. Pyridoxine
Neurotransmitters like serotonin which assists the body in its ability to cope with anxiety, depression, and stress, can be manufactured by the body through the aid of Vitamin B6. In times of anxiety, boosting the immune system can also be aided by Vitamin B6.
B9, Folic Acid
Folic acid cannot be produced by the body all alone; this vitamin is very essential for energy. A deficiency in folic acid can cause fatigue and depression for a lot of people, and these can cause higher stress levels.
B12, Cyanocobalamin
This vitamin is highly depended upon by the brain, and thus may be referred to as memory vitamin. Deficiencies in B12 may lead to neurological changes and mental confusion which may in turn make coping with stress a difficult task. The creation of melatonin, a sleep hormone, and serotonin, a mood hormone, require the significant contribution of the water-based vitamin, B12, Cyanocobalamin.
Apart from the aforementioned vitamins, there are some other important vitamins for stress which include B2, B5, and B7. B2 is important for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and B5, a pantothenic acid, triggers the immune system activity. When these improvements are in place, it becomes possible for the body to utilize its natural ability to cope with stressful conditions. B7, biotin, assists the body in the process of glucose and in balancing mood, which results in stability of stress.
B Complex
A B-complex vitamin contains several of the main B vitamins. And when it comes to reducing stress, taking it may be the best choice to assist. Digestive metabolic processes which is commonly slowed down by stress can also be aided by a good B-complex vitamin. Take not though —- you should take most B vitamins on a full stomach (as they can make you nauseous if you don’t).