Alcoholism Touches Lives Across Our Entire Society

Alcoholism is not a disease you have to struggle with alone. There are plenty of resources that assure this disease does not have to derail your future. For more information on how to combat the issues that come with alcoholism, consult a doctor.
Alcoholism symptoms can be subtle:
The symptoms of alcoholism can be felt throughout the mind, and can affect your everyday thoughts. People with alcoholism may experience dizziness, blackout or shakiness. Alcoholism affects the way a person thinks as it can lead to increased thoughts of aggression, self-destructive behaviour including a lack of restraint. Alcoholism can lead to dependence on other substance, including drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Typically, alcoholism is self-diagnosable – if the patient is willing to admit they have a problem.
Genetics and environmental factors, including ability to secure alcohol, could be a key role in the development of alcoholism. A person with a parent or sibling is much more likely to suffer from the symptoms of alcoholism. There are plenty of early warning signs of alcoholism including frequent drinking and intoxication. Loss of interest in daily activities can also be a warning sign.
Best courses of treatment for alcoholism:
If you are an alcoholic, you have plenty of treatment options. Many alcoholics have had success with detoxification. Detoxification is when you stop drinking immediately, and substitute alcohol with medical drugs to prevent the symptoms of withdrawal. Detox is not for all patients, as only people with mild to moderate symptoms can be admitted to a treatment program. Detox is often used as part of a larger treatment program.
Group therapy and psychotherapy are the most common forms of treatment for alcoholism. The mutual acceptance of group members allows for people to share the details of their daily struggle. Alcoholics Anonymous is the largest organization to provide counselling, but other organizations exist throughout the United States including Women For Sobriety, LifeRing Secular Recovery and SMART Recovery.
Ferguson continues struggle with disease:
Alcoholism is prevalent throughout society, including the entertainment industry. Late night talk show host and comedian Craig Ferguson has been sober since February 1992. Ferguson hit his lowest point on Christmas Day in 1991. After a heavy night of drinking in a pub in London, he woke covered in urine. Ferguson woke up, and was prepared to commit suicide. A chance encounter with a friend prevented Ferguson from taking his life.
It was a conversation with a friend that helped Ferguson realize it was time to get sober and into rehab. He wanted to make sure he did not have a cushy rehab often done by celebrities. Ferguson took the long approach to his rehab, and believes this a condition you deal with every day. Ferguson does not shy from alcoholism, has he has discussed his battles in public appearances and interviews.
Alcoholism affects all corners of society, and has touched the lives of every family. If you are concerned about the likelihood of symptoms of this disease, do not hesitate to reach out. Acting quickly will allow you to take your life back.