Now that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is being treated with the appropriate level of seriousness, we are learning more about the traits associated with this all too common ailment. While ADHD is typically thought of as being a childhood disorder, it can continue to linger well into adulthood and cause the same issues.
The symptoms tend to vary with age, but there are also a great deal of similarities. Hyperactivity and restlessness manifest themselves differently in different age groups, so read on to learn more about the effects of ADHD.
What Are The Effects/Symptoms of ADHD?
The most typical traits that are associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. Parents who have children with ADHD may not be aware of their child’s disorder until they have been sent to school, as many of the effects can be chalked up to mere youthful exuberance.
Inattention related to ADHD shows up in adults and children in similar ways. Those who suffer from ADHD often find themselves struggling to complete tasks and will also lack a certain amount of focus. The work that they do complete ls careless, messy and ridden with mistakes.
Staying on topic while talking can be difficult, as well as following social rules and mores. Daily responsibilities and activities are often forgotten and distractions that would not sidetrack others bring work to a screeching halt.
Hyperactivity is much easier to diagnose in children, but teens and adults experience this effect in a different way, as it will manifest itself as restlessness. Teens and adults who have a hard time completing quiet activities and remaining still are often diagnosed with ADHD.
Impulsiveness is much the same for both adults and children. Impulsiveness that is linked to the onset of ADHD causes people of all ages to have a hard time waiting to speak or react in social situations. Blurting out answers too quickly and starting conversations at the wrong times are some of the effects of ADHD related impassivity.
Michael Phelps and His Battle with ADHD:
While most would not expect one of the most storied athletes of our times to struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Michael Phelps has been remarkably transparent about the problems that he has gone through. Being able to exercise intensely and having a structured existence have allowed him to keep his symptoms at bay, but he and his mother have both spoken repeatedly about the disorder, in hopes of buoying the spirits of those who are currently in the throes of it.
How Do I Handle This Disorder?
Once a child or adult has exhibited symptoms, it is time to seek a proper medical diagnosis. This is not a disorder that a person can overcome on their own and you’ll need the assistance of a trained professional to counteract the issue.