Addiction Treatment Centres: Pacifica
The Pacifica treatment centre was founded in 1977 and utilize they a residential setting to offer an intensive therapy for drug addiction and alcohol dependency. Clients are given private rooms in the serene environment for their safety and privacy.
Pacifica has trained counsellors with a wealth of experience in psychology. They also offer recreation and leisure programs for the community to help clients deal with addiction and abstinence. Alumni and Aftercare programs are also available for clients at the conclusion of the program.
They have a three level comprehensive treatment program that caters to all the individual needs of the clients.
Pacifica treatment program
Pacifica is a 12 week or 90-day residential program along with intensive therapy groups that clients will join after orientation. Clients have an option of 4 to 8 weeks instead of the full period. The program is set in three phases;
1. Orientation phase
This stage allows clients to get oriented on the way the program works so they can connect with their specific needs and way to recovery. Other clients need some help getting clean and staying stable, and this phase is ideal for helping the process. It is less intense and features one-on-one counselling with a focus on grounding skills and fundamentals of recovery. It is also an opportunity for the clients to get them ready for the intensity that comes with group therapy. This phase can take at least 72 hours before proper admission into the program.
2. Group process therapy
Clients who are admitted can attend workshops, training sessions, and videos mixed with therapy. They also have an opportunity to get familiar with one another and understand what recovery truly means for them. It’s mentally and emotionally challenging and will require the readiness to handle tough truths about successful recovery. Clients moving to this phase will undergo an assessment interview before they can be admitted. They must also be sober for at least two weeks before getting interviewed.
3. Transitioning phase
This phase is for clients who complete the four-week process therapy and encompasses individual tasks before the conclusion of the treatment. It also includes continued instruction with process group work but gives them freedom to follow their recovery goals. The process doesn’t stop as the patient leaves the facility, it continues even after discharge. They receive outpatient counselling and follow-ups.
What to take to Pacifica
Clients are to take only two bags to the facility and must bring towels, bathrobe, alarm clock, face cloth, soap, shaving kit, toiletries, and mouthwash. However, alcohol-free mouthwash is the only kind allowed in the program. There is also need to take modest and conservative clothing, clothes like bare stomach tops, tank tops, short shorts and muscle shirts aren’t allowed.
Mobile devices are prohibited such as smartphones, pagers, TV, computer, stereo, DVD, camera, MP3 player or any electronic equipment.
Bleach, hair dyes, perfumes and personal food are allowed not allowed on the premises. These rules are set in consideration of other clients who may be allergic to the items.
The program is also a non-smoking program.
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