Recovery Coaching is a form of strength-based supports for persons in or seeking recovery from alcohol and other drugs, and other addictions. Similar to life and business coaching, Recovery Coaching (also known as peer mentoring) is a type of partnership where the person in or seeking recovery self directs his/her recovery while the coach provides expertise in supporting successful change. Recovery Coaching focuses on achieving any goals important to the individual. The coach asks questions and offers suggestions to help the “recoveree” begin to take the lead in addressing his/her recovery needs. Recovery Coaching focuses on honoring values and making principle-based decisions, creating a clear plan of action, and using current strengths to reach future goals. The coach serves as an accountability partner to help the person sustain his/her recovery. The Recovery Coach helps the person access recovery, as well as access systems needed to support recovery such as benefits, health care, etc.
Recovery Coaches:
- help to initiate and sustain an individual/family in their recovery from substance use or addiction.
- promote recovery by removing barriers and obstacles to recovery.
- serve as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking, or already in recovery.
- help a client find resources for harm reduction, detox, treatment, family support and education, local or online support groups; or help a client create a change plan to recover on their own.
- help individuals find ways to stop using (abstinence), or reduce harm associated with addictive behaviors.
If you or someone you know is looking for either an addiction counselor or a recovery coach, please contact the clinic for more information.
Recovery Coaching focuses on honoring values and making principle-based decisions, creating a clear plan of action, and using current strengths to reach future goals.
The Recovery Coaching Process: (what to expect)
1. Initial complimentary meet & greet (in person on virtual) – this is the time were we both can evaluate whether we are a good fit. One of the most important things is compatibility in a coaching relationship. In this initial session we will also go over the program fees; as well we go over the coaching contract.
2. 1st Coaching session – The next step really depends on whether you are also looking for naturopathic/medical support (prescription medicine, lab testing, acupuncture, IV vitamin therapy) or whether you are just looking for someone to keep you on track.
- In the first coaching session we will go over any assessments that are needed, find out where you are at in your recovery/addiction – and look at ways of reaching your ultimate goal. The first little while in recovery, we will be focusing on coping skills, and dealing with triggers. Balance is key, and we work together to find the perfect balance for YOU.
3. Continuing Coaching sessions – Packages are offered in 30 minute session, any unused time can be banked for additional use later on. All e-mails and correspondence during the coaching relationship are free, so in pinch, you know you can always reach out to me.
If you have more questions – please feel free to send me a message.